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Go Sage Yo'self - A guide to smudging techniques.

Updated: Sep 13, 2020

The term "smudging" has become the go-to term for energetic cleansing using smoke from sacred plants like white Sage. But what we must remember is that this term is used to describe a ceremony used by Native Americans, and we must honour it and make our own rituals.

There is a reason Sage is used to clean spaces of negative energy, it's extremely powerful!

You don't need to be a member of an aboriginal tribe or medicine wo/man to utilize it's powers.

It is all about your INTENTION.

Below is a simple and highly effective method to sage your space and cleanse it of unwanted energies. It is my method, derived from traditional 'smudging' techniques with respect to the original. I combine Native American, Wiccan and energy healing modalities in this easy to follow formula.

I find it highly effective.

Light the sage with a white candle and use the shell or fire proof dish to catch the ashes of the sage as it burns. Open windows to allow the release of energy from your home. This lets undesirable emotions and ‘stains’ from past events that have taken place in or around your home to exit and in turn, invite positive influences and feelings in and bless you.

Start by gently waving the smoke over your body, like white light washing over you. You can do this by using a feather or other item of your choosing and say a mantra or prayer if you wish to do so, but is not necessary. You can use your hand if you do not have a feather or fan, as long as the intention is there it will work.

Start at your front door and moving clockwise, gently wave the smoke in the corners, around doorframes, and closets. Be carefully to keep the burning sage over the shell and don’t blow the sage with your breath or you risk dropping burning embers. Light the sage again if necessary, but make it around the perimeter of your space back to your front door (or window) which should be left open a crack during this process.

Gently extinguish sage by rubbing it on the shell, or let it burn out on it's own with supervision.

It is always in good practise to acknowledge the Native culture that grows and harvests the sage and where this beautiful ceremony comes from.

Happy Saging!



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